Moral Theology
Item #21 “Aquinas Ethicus or The Moral Teaching of St. Thomas” by Fr. Joseph Rickaby, S.J.
Fr. Rickaby’s translation of the second part of the Summa along with valuable notes and explanations. A good presentation of fundamental Thomistic moral theology.
Item #23 “Catholic Moral Teaching on the Nature and Object of Conjugal Love” by Rev. Michael F. McAuliffe, S.T.L.
This dissertation expounds the Catholic doctrine regarding the proper ends of marriage and in particular the object of conjugal love within the Sacrament of Matrimony. Refutation of the new theologians and their false doctrines concerning the ends of marriage.
Item #60 “An Historical Analysis of the Principle of Double Effect” Theological Studies 1949
Fr. Joseph Mangan, S.J. examines the historical development of this moral principle and its increasing clarification and application
Item #67 “The Morality of Obliteration Bombing” Theological Studies
Fr. John Ford, S.J. reviews the moral principles of war and their application to certain practices of modern warfare.
Item #88 “The Sinfulness of Heresy” by Rev. M.H. MacInery, O.P.
Item #117 “The Morality of Artificial Fecundation” by Father Gerald Kelly, S.J. The A.E.R.
Item #119 “Is All Profit Unjust?” The A.E.R.
An interesting article on the idea of profit in economics by J. Elliot Ross
Item #127 “A Work on the Three Theological Virtues Faith, Hope and Charity” Disputations XVIII (On Faith) & XIII (On Charity), Francisco Suarez
Item #128 “The Precept of Hearing Mass” by John Joseph Guiniven, C.SS.R., J.C.L. 1942
A doctoral dissertation regarding the original Jewish Sabbath day and the adoption of Sunday by the Catholic Church as well as the nature and extent of the precept obliging the assistance at Mass
Item #135 “The Moral Obligations of Catholic Civil Judges” by Fr. John Denis Davis, S.T.L. 1953
A brilliant doctoral dissertation regarding the moral duties of Catholic judges and lawyers. Covers Pope Pius XII’s numerous addresses on the subject. An extremely important work for any person in the legal profession
Item #136 “Priestly Studies in Modern Papal Teachings” by Fr. Christopher Lind, O.S.B., S.T.L. 1958
A doctoral dissertation for priests and seminarians relating to their moral obligation of advancing in sacerdotal studies as directed by the Roman Pontiffs, in general and specifically. Chapters: 1. The Priest as Doctor 2. The Priest in the Pastoral Ministry 3. The Priest as Educator 4. Learning and Priestly Holiness
Item #140 “The History, Nature and Use of Epikeia in Moral Theology” by Fr. Lawrence Joseph Riley, S.T.L. 1948
Item #157 “The Natural Moral Law According to St. Thomas and Suarez” a dissertation by Walter Farrell, O.P. 1930
Item #167 “Rights and Duties: Their Foundation” by Fr. John Driscoll, O.P. 1948
Item #181 “Traditional Catholic Principles and Modern Warfare” Howard Kenna, C.S.C., A.E.R.
Item #183 “The Ethics of Conjugal Intimacy According to St. Albert the Great” John Clifford, S.J., Theological Studies, 1942
Item #185 “May the State Forbid Marriage because of a Social Disease?” Rev. Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R. 1938
Item #186 “On the Indians Lately Discovered” and “On the Indians, or on the Law of War Made by the Spaniards on the Barbarians” Francisco de Vitoria, 1669
Item #187 “Moral Theology: A Complete Course: Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authors” by John McHugh, O.P. and Charles Callan, O.P., 1958 Volume I (Complete)
Item #188 “Moral Theology: A Complete Course: Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authors” by John McHugh, O.P. and Charles Callan, O.P., 1958 (Volume II, Article on Justice)
Item #189 “Relection on Homicide & Commentary on Summa Theologiae IIa-IIae Q. 64” Francisco de Vitoria
Item #256 “What is a Catholic Attitude?” Francis LeBuffe, S.J., 1930
Item #264 “The Case Against the Comics” Gabriel Lynn, 1944
Item #273 “The Catholic Doctor” Francis Connell, C.SS.R., 1945
Item #274 “Catholics on the Police Force” Francis Connell, C.SS.R., 1945
Item #292 The “Rhythm” in Marriage and Christian Morality, N. Orville Giese, S.T.D., 1944
Item #293 Discussions with Non-Catholics, Rev. Stephen Joseph Kelleher, 1943
Item #294 The Communication of Catholics with Schismatics, Rev. Ignatius J. Szal, 1948
Item #295 Aquinas and Modern Practices of Interest Taking, John P. Kelly, 1945
Item #298 Moral Aspects of Dishonesty in Public Office, Rev. William J. King, S.T.L., 1949
Item #302 Communication in Religious Worship With Non-Catholics: A Dissertation, Rev. John Bancroft, C.SS.R., J.C.B., S.T.L., 1943
Item #306 The Desecration and Violation of Churches: An Historical Synopsis and Commentary, John Theophilus Gulczynski, J.C.L., 1942